Take a look at these international names: After all, a student at Hogwarts or a wizard or witch, in general, can come from anywhere in the world.
Now, these names sound a little more magical and mysterious compared to everyday names you might know.Īnother thing about Harry Potter names is that they are international. This could be a fantasy surname or a fantasy-inspired first name. If you want to give your characters a little magical touch, try combining normal names, with fantasy-sounding names. In the first instance, you could take inspiration from your own name, or the names of people you know. They sound so normal! And that’s exactly what makes the Harry Potter franchise so relatable to so many readers (or viewers, if watching the movies).
These names don’t really stick out as typical fantasy names or even wizard or witch names you might come across. In most cases, you’ll notice that everyday names you come across (even your own name) could be a great name to use. Creating your own Harry Potter name isn’t as hard as you think.